narrow line, single frequency, optical trapping

narrow line, single frequency, optical trapping
Optical Trapping
Optical trapping techniques are used by scientists to study fundamental quantum mechanical properties of atoms. These techniques, such as magneto-optical traps and lattice traps, use low-noise lasers to cool and contain atoms in an ultra-cold state. In this state, scientists can study properties of Bose-Einstein condensates, and perform experiments in quantum computing and quantum cryptography. These techniques, once only the realm of pure research, are moving into applications such as portable and compact ultra-precise clocks and navigational equipment.
CW Single Frequency Sources:
Low-noise, narrow-linewidth, single-frequency, continuous wave (CW) lasers. NP Photonics' single-frequency fiber lasers provide exceptionally low noise performance in both erbium (1.55-micron band) and ytterbium (1.0-micron band) configurations with output power available up to 50W.